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Jan 2022 All Class Schedule

VIRTUAL YOGA/Meditation CLASSES Also Offered! Check out the listings HERE!

(OUTDOOR YOGA CLASSES ARE BACK! Please check below for dates & times!!)


(Click on any class event below to see its details, and class times. Click “SEE MORE” to view add’l classes on certain days. To change the view from Month to week: Just click on the tabs below here on the right!)

For info on the Outdoor Yoga Classes and to Download the Flyer, CLICK HERE!

Cost per Virtual & OUTDOOR Yoga Therapy class:

  • $10 per student (**some electronic payments will incl. a small fee)
  • $15 Drop-In/No RSVP (If room available)
  • Yoga Class time= 55mins.
  • **Reservations REQ’D To Join ALL Classes: email Drew at outdooryoga@elementsintegrated.com or via text 619-500-4432
  • Payments made via:
    • Venmo: (@ ElementsIntegrated)
    • **PayPal: (drew@elementsintegrated.com)- Please process $10.50 per student. (.50 cent PayPal Service fee)
    • **Square Invoice: Request this option in your email/text when you join; You’ll receive an email invoice from Square. Simply enter your CC# and send! (2.9% + .30cent fee added to each invoice sent. Ex. $10.00 = $10.60) Does not require app or bank account linkage!
    • Cash/Card Option: For Outdoor Classes ONLY: (Exact change please, if possible!) & ALL major Credit/Debit Cards (+ .50 cent service per $10)
  • Limited Capacity. 
  • **Custom/Private Classes Available!** Contact Drew for details. (add’l rates may apply)

–> Please check Class Calendar often for any time changes/class cancellations.

About Drew’s Yoga Classes:

After 27 years working and teaching in Special Education, he teaches with more spoken visuals & direction.  Drew’s classes and teaching style are accessible, encouraging & nurturing; from beginner to mid-level. Sessions are a therapeutic body stretch, flexibility and centering class FOCUSING on healing, breathwork, mindfulness and energy release. Great for TRUE beginners, yet customizable & healing for more advanced levels. Every student will benefit from the breathwork therapy, body opening poses and stretches as well as the healing therapy aspect of the class. The Sanskrit names of the poses are rarely mentioned, so that beginners have a chance to attempt the poses/body stretches. It is a relaxed, accepting environment with NO PERFECTION ALLOWED!! *grin* (If you are looking for quick paced, Vinyasa/Ashtanga/’Work-out’ styles of Yoga, his classes might not be for you…) But ALL are always welcome!

*PLEASE NOTE DISCLAIMER(S): Classes are subject to change times, dates, and content. Classes are also subject to cancellation. Please check the Class Schedule occasionally to confirm times.
**If you possess Freq Yogi Cards for our Outdoor Yoga Classes they will not be redeemed or earn points/stamps for Virtual Classes at this time. Thank you for understanding.

Not Into “Yoga”? Think Of It As…

OK so you may not be a fan of what we call, Yoga… Too “woo woo” for you.  Not interested in grabbing your foot behind your head, (not that I can do that either) or hearing the term “Downward Dog” makes you think you should have a bowl with your name on it on the floor while you do it. For you it’s not about the “connection”. You just want to get healthy and pick up the keys you dropped on the floor without throwing your back out into the twilight zone.

So for this lesson, lets just call it… stretching.  How’s that? 🙂 “Stretching” has SO many benefits.  Just start a program of stretching, and you’ll soon notice many of them.  Some of the benefits of stretching are:

  • relief from pain
  • increased energy levels
  • increased flexibility
  • better range of motion of the joints
  • greater circulation of blood to various parts of the body
  • relaxation and stress relief
  • enhanced muscular coordination
  • improved posture
  • greater sense of well-being
  • GREAT compliment to a weight training routine!

–>>Click HERE to workout and practice w/me at my Outdoor Yoga/Stretching in San Diego!

Increased flexibility and range of motion:

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Quick Guide: 10 Benefits of Deep Breathing

Drew’s Quick Guide to 10 Best BENEFITS to Deep Breathing..

(Quite honestly, I sometimes forgot to use my breathing techniques in the last month, and I was/am in full blown STRESS CRISIS… *ugh*)

So take 3 mins: Close your eyes. Inhale up/in through your nose, SLOW, let your belly, then your chest rise. Hold—Then out through your mouth, SLOWLY. Let your belly and chest lower. Repeat over the 3 min or more.

1. Deep breathing calms the sympathetic nervous system. The sympathetic nervous system is activated in times of stress and anxiety. Deep breathing will slow your heart rate down and in a matter of seconds your breath will communicate to your brain there is no danger which relaxes your muscles.

2. Breathing lifts mood. Breathing raises levels of endorphins and lowers stress hormones.

3. Breathing brings clarity and mindfulness.

4. Breathing boosts energy and stamina. The more oxygen in the body, the more level of energy you will have.

5. Breathing increases oxygen in your blood.

6. Breathing strengthens the immune system.

7. Breathing can release toxins in your body by 70%. When you exhale, you are releasing carbon dioxide waste which has passed through your bloodstream into your lungs.

8. Promotes better sleep.

9. Reduction in blood pressure.

10. Breathing normalizes the heart rate and rhythm.

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Benefits Of Body Flexibility

THE TOUGHEST part about working out and going to a class to get fit is usually “finding the time” do it.

I have the philosophy that if something in your life is very important to you, then you will magically find the time in your schedule to do it. No matter what that importance is: Your job, children, relationship, family your home, money, drama, etc. But what about your health? What percentage of your life do you dedicate to your fitness, nutrition and well-being? How much time do you spend on social media and technology vs. doing something for yourself?

I have come to understand that what we give PRIORITY to, shows up THE MOST in your life. That none of the things that I mentioned above, you will be any good for, if you are not healthy and feeling good! (But really, get rid of the drama!) One of the many aspects of fitness and wellness that I am a fan of is…


Did you know that you can reduce stress and improve your health while burning calories just by doing just 10-15 minutes of stretching a few times a day? Not only does stretching improve blood flow and flexibility, it also provides a variety of other health benefits. Read on to find out just 5 of the many benefits of getting flexible:

Decreased Risk of Injury:

An effective flexibility training program (like Yoga) can improve your physical performance and help reduce your risk of injury. By improving your range of motion, your body requires less energy to make the same movements and you also will have more flexible joints thus lessening the likelihood of injuries sustained during workouts, or any other time.Beach yoga

Improved Posture:

Recent research has shown that static stretching can reduce muscle soreness after exercise. These slow, gradual movements involve a controlled elongation of the muscle through it’s full range of motion, and is then held for 15-30 seconds in the farthest position that can be held without pain. By stretching in this way, you can improve muscular balance and your resting posture.

Classes: CLICK HERE to check out Restoration/Sunset Yoga with Drew

Reduce Lower Back Pain:

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