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Best Way To Fight Off Almost ANY Dis-ease:

Eat The Rainbow!



Benefits Of Body Flexibility

THE TOUGHEST part about working out and going to a class to get fit is usually “finding the time” do it.

I have the philosophy that if something in your life is very important to you, then you will magically find the time in your schedule to do it. No matter what that importance is: Your job, children, relationship, family your home, money, drama, etc. But what about your health? What percentage of your life do you dedicate to your fitness, nutrition and well-being? How much time do you spend on social media and technology vs. doing something for yourself?

I have come to understand that what we give PRIORITY to, shows up THE MOST in your life. That none of the things that I mentioned above, you will be any good for, if you are not healthy and feeling good! (But really, get rid of the drama!) One of the many aspects of fitness and wellness that I am a fan of is…


Did you know that you can reduce stress and improve your health while burning calories just by doing just 10-15 minutes of stretching a few times a day? Not only does stretching improve blood flow and flexibility, it also provides a variety of other health benefits. Read on to find out just 5 of the many benefits of getting flexible:

Decreased Risk of Injury:

An effective flexibility training program (like Yoga) can improve your physical performance and help reduce your risk of injury. By improving your range of motion, your body requires less energy to make the same movements and you also will have more flexible joints thus lessening the likelihood of injuries sustained during workouts, or any other time.Beach yoga

Improved Posture:

Recent research has shown that static stretching can reduce muscle soreness after exercise. These slow, gradual movements involve a controlled elongation of the muscle through it’s full range of motion, and is then held for 15-30 seconds in the farthest position that can be held without pain. By stretching in this way, you can improve muscular balance and your resting posture.

Classes: CLICK HERE to check out Restoration/Sunset Yoga with Drew

Reduce Lower Back Pain:

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Eating Well Is A Form Of Self-Respect!


Cancer And Enzyme-Rich Raw Foods

Here is a GREAT article I read from the increasingly popular website, “The Truth About Cancer”.

It follows my food and nutrition philosophy of having a bigger percentage of your diet belonging to raw food nutrition. I was drawn to this article for a NUMBER of reasons,High-Enzyme-Foods and the awesome pineapple here, (an enzyme-rich natural food) is something I eat everyday. SO yummy in my organic post-work out morning smoothie!

Check out the article below (many thanks to the people at The Truth About!) to see how you can begin the healing and prevention of cancer:

Keep Cancer at Bay with Enzyme-Rich Raw Foods

Eating is clearly an essential daily activity and what you eat is vitally important. However, did you know that how you eat your food can have a huge impact on your health and even your risk of cancer? Raw foods can be highly beneficial and contain essential enzymes and minerals necessary to thwart cancer, improve health, and deliver the energy that most people desire.

What are Enzymes?

Enzymes are amazing protein molecules responsible for breaking down food (digestion) and converting it to energy (metabolism). Moreover, enzymes are phenomenal living entities. Thousands of enzymes are located within every cell, ever ready to perform biochemical tasks.

Interestingly, enzymes do not get used up, but rather can be transformed from a metabolic enzyme to a digestive enzyme, or excreted from the body through fecal matter. Thus, the challenge is to have enough enzymes to handle the demands of digestion, metabolism, detoxification, and elimination.

Cancer and Enzymes: the Role of Raw Foods

No two people process their food alike or eat the same foods every day. Thankfully there is a plethora of plant-based foods offering the biodiversity to meet the enzymatic demand for the billions of biochemical reactions required for each human being…

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