Here is a GREAT article I read from the increasingly popular website, “The Truth About Cancer”.

It follows my food and nutrition philosophy of having a bigger percentage of your diet belonging to raw food nutrition. I was drawn to this article for a NUMBER of reasons,High-Enzyme-Foods and the awesome pineapple here, (an enzyme-rich natural food) is something I eat everyday. SO yummy in my organic post-work out morning smoothie!

Check out the article below (many thanks to the people at The Truth About!) to see how you can begin the healing and prevention of cancer:

Keep Cancer at Bay with Enzyme-Rich Raw Foods

Eating is clearly an essential daily activity and what you eat is vitally important. However, did you know that how you eat your food can have a huge impact on your health and even your risk of cancer? Raw foods can be highly beneficial and contain essential enzymes and minerals necessary to thwart cancer, improve health, and deliver the energy that most people desire.

What are Enzymes?

Enzymes are amazing protein molecules responsible for breaking down food (digestion) and converting it to energy (metabolism). Moreover, enzymes are phenomenal living entities. Thousands of enzymes are located within every cell, ever ready to perform biochemical tasks.

Interestingly, enzymes do not get used up, but rather can be transformed from a metabolic enzyme to a digestive enzyme, or excreted from the body through fecal matter. Thus, the challenge is to have enough enzymes to handle the demands of digestion, metabolism, detoxification, and elimination.

Cancer and Enzymes: the Role of Raw Foods

No two people process their food alike or eat the same foods every day. Thankfully there is a plethora of plant-based foods offering the biodiversity to meet the enzymatic demand for the billions of biochemical reactions required for each human being…

One of the most critical functions of enzymes is to dissolve the protein-based coating on foreign bodies such as parasites, fungi, bacteria, and cancer cells. This is necessary in order to expose these foreign bodies to the immune system before they can initiate cancer. In other words, the unique abilities of enzymes can  keep cancer cells from becoming tumors. Thus a deficiency in enzymes has been deemed a likely cause of cancer and chronic disease.

Dr. Heinrich Wrba, Dr. William Donald Kelly, Dr. Nicholas J. Gonzalez, and several other cancer specialists have noted the absence of important enzymes in the urine and blood of cancer patients.

According to John Beard (a 19th century microbiologist), cancer cells, trophoblasts, and stem cells have been biologically proven to be identical. They all excrete hydrocortisone hormone (HC) which is only found in the urine of pregnant women and cancer patients.

Trophoblasts appear when a woman becomes pregnant. They create the umbilical cord and attach it to the uterine wall to nourish the fetus. It has been documented that trophoblasts stay in the body after birth, and remain in reserve throughout adult life for the purpose of healing when rapid cell growth is needed. Nevertheless, once the healing process is complete, if sufficient protease (enzymes that digest proteins) are unavailable to keep those cells in check, cancerous tumors develop.

The late Dr. Nicholas Gonzalez, author of What Went Wrong: The Truth Behind the Clinical Trial of the Enzyme Treatment of Cancer, was convinced that cancer is the disease resulting from the body’s inability to digest proteins. He believed this is the reason proteolytic enzymes (protease, enzymes known for digesting protein) have been successful in reversing cancer.

Another factor commonly found among cancer victims is damaged tissue from free radicals. Free radicals play a major role in the onset of cancer. If you remember from your high school chemistry class, electrons come in pairs. When one electron is lost from that pair, as is the case with a free radical, it looks for a replacement electron − essentially stealing one from another cell in your body. This creates a new free radical in the molecule from which it stole the electron, and destroys that cell in the process.

Raw-Food-Enzymes-fiIf one free radical is capable of destroying an entire cell, or  even a whole strand of DNA, imagine what a chain reaction of millions of free radicals can do! Whole, plant-based raw foods are loaded with antioxidants that reverse free radical damage by adding back the missing electron. Living raw foods are also known to remove cadmium, a carcinogen, and replace it with calcium in the bones.

If you’re going to fight a battle, you need a strategy, weapons, ammunition, and an understanding of your enemy. Most cancer is the result of a compromised defense system − one that lacks ammunition and is overwhelmed by enemies. Enemies of the body include toxins, processed foods, fried foods, and so on. Basically the standard American diet is an ambush to the immune and digestive systems every time a person eats.

The Effects of Cooked Food on Cancer

According to Dr. Edward Howell, author of Enzyme Nutrition, cooked, enzyme-deficient food forces the body to produce digestive enzymes from metabolic enzymes. This results in a significant deficiency of enzymes among tissues and organs. He believed the resulting metabolic disorder directly causes cancer.

Cooked food also triggers leukocytosis, a pathogenic reaction activating white blood cells to engulf food particles as if they’re invaders.

However, even though cooking changes the molecular structure of the food, if you balance the meal with uncooked plant-based foods it reduces the digestive stress. For example, when consuming a meat dish, include a dark leafy green salad with a dressing of olive oil, avocado, lemon juice, cayenne pepper, high quality salt, and turmeric powder. Now the meat is accompanied by an abundance of minerals and proteolytic enzymes to efficiently digest the meal.

What we eat affects our internal functions. So the clean-up crew (metabolic enzymes) and nourishment crew (digestive and metabolic enzymes) transform the body from a toxic waste dump to a lush, life-producing environment. Cancer cells are kept in check, free radicals are converted, tissues are restored, and you feel great!

The bottom line is… when it comes to preventing and healing from disease, make sure you include plenty of enzyme-rich, plant-based raw foods in your anti-cancer diet.

What do you have to say about this article? Leave a comment below and tell us your thoughts! I’d love to hear from you!

Drew xo